Rosalyn Elder and the More Than Words Youth will perform, "A Ballad for Massaachusetts"
Join Rosalyn Elder and the More Than Words Youth for a reading of, “A Ballad for Massachusetts.” This poem celebrates the accomplishments of 13 African American heroes in our history: Elizabeth “Mum Bett” Freeman, George Middleton, Paul Cuffee, William and Ellen Craft, Sarah Roberts, the 54th Regiment, Marshall “Major” Taylor, Asa Phillip Randolph and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Melnea Cass, Malcolm X, Elma Lewis, and Mel King. A short lecture on the book, Exploring the Legacy will also be presented.
More Than Words is a nonprofit social enterprise that empowers young adults who are in the foster care system, court-involved, homeless, or out of school, to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business.
All event attendees will receive a 20% off coupon to our bookstore and hot tea courtesy of More Than Words.
242 Berkley Street
Boston, MA 02118